Beyond the
Stories of Three Unlikely Heroes
John Tyler Connoley
A Masters Thesis in
Biblical Studies submitted to
the Faculty of Earlham School of Religion.
Richmond, Indiana
September 30, 2002
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Acknowledgments (p. v)
Abbreviations (p. vi)
Preface (p. vii)
The Difficulty of Translation (p. 1)
Physical Characteristics of Eunuchs (p. 7)
Social Roles of Eunuchs (p. 9)
Social Status of Eunuchs (p. 13)
Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Eunuchs
(p. 16)
Ebed-melech, Hathach, and Ashpenaz (p. 20)
Chapter 2: Servant of the King (Jer 38:1Ð13)
Narrative (p. 22)
Analysis (p. 42)
Chapter 3: For Such a Time as This (Esth 4:4Ð17)
Narrative (p. 51)
Analysis (p. 64)
Chapter 4: Loving Daniel (Dan 1:3Ð21)
Narrative (p. 74)
Analysis (p. 86)
Appendix: Instances of saris in the Hebrew Bible